The South is proud to have produced many American Heroes.
One such Southern Hero is 2nd LT Robert Hoyle Upchurch. Learning
Upchurch’s story comes with a fascinating history of a very unique Fighter
Squadron. Upchurch was a member of the famed 74th Fighter Squadron –
The Flying Tigers.
Before the United States entered World War II, there were
Americans deeply involved in the war already. Some Americans volunteered and
joined Allied Forces, enlisting in British or French Military Units. Then there
was the American Volunteer Group whose members were serving to protect China
from the brutal ongoing Japanese attacks there. While the 74th was
still within the AVG, they had an unprecedented 8:1 kill ratio. Once the US
entered the war in 1941, the AVG was disbanded and the 23rd Fighter
Group was formed. It contained three squadrons – one of which was the 74th
Fighter Squadron. It should also be noted that technically, at this time the 23rd
(and thus the 74th) belonged to the Army – the Army Air Force. (The Air Force as we know it today was
officially made an individual branch of the US Military in 1947. The current 74th
Fighter Squadron is now part of the US Air Force.)
The 74th Fighter Squadron was originally designated
as a Pursuit Squadron but was redesignated to a Fighter Squadron (and then
specifically a Single Engine Fighter Squadron) in 1942 and was sent to Asia
along with the rest of the 23rd Fighter Group. The Squadron flew
P-40 Warhawks/Tomahawks and P-51 Mustangs – all with the signature shark teeth
painted on the nose, conveniently right where a 50 Caliber machine gun peeks
out. Over the years both planes had a variety of weapon configurations but
usually had wing mount machine guns – sometimes 2/side, sometimes 3/side, and
eventually, they became the first squadron ever to test and use the
air-to-ground missile in combat. Unfortunately, the missiles were clunky and
largely inaccurate at that time. As for personnel, the 74th Fighter
Squadron had 2 Majors, 18 Lieutenants, 1 Master SGT, 2 Tech SGTs, 7 Buck SGTs,
and 35 Corporals and Privates.
The 23rd Fighter Group had an Area of Operation
that included China, Burma, Indochina (Vietnam), Formosa (Taiwan) and Thailand.
The 74th Fighter Squadron valiantly fought off the Japanese and
during their service in air combat destroyed 124 Japanese aircraft. They
destroyed 143 Japanese aircraft on the ground, sunk 43,000 tons of shipping,
and killed over 7000 Japanese military. They were decorated with the
Distinguished Unit Citation and earned 4 Campaign Streamers in World War II. Of
course, there were casualties. The 74th Fighter Squadron lost 40
men: 7 ground crew and 33 pilots. Four pilots were shot down in air combat; 23
were shot down by ground fire; and 5 crashed due to weather condition.
This brings us to 2nd LT Upchurch who was
assigned to the 74th Fighter Squadron. The entire unit was referred
to as “The Flying Tigers”, and Upchurch was known as “The Flying Tiger from
High Falls.” He was from a small town in North Carolina in Moore County. Following a successful combat mission near the mountains of Hunan while flying a P-40 Fighter plane,
he encountered difficult weather conditions and crashed into the side of a
mountain. We now know 2nd LT Robert Hoyle Upchurch died on October
6, 1944, but back then he was Missing in Action.
Unbeknownst to his squadron, the Chinese locals in the
Guidong County saw the crash and hiked 4 days to get up the mountain and try
to rescue Upchurch. The Chinese were very fond of all of the squadrons in the
23rd Fighter Group. Without them, they would have faced decimation
and destruction. Once the Guidong residents reached the crash site, they found
both the plane and the pilot in ruins. Nonetheless, they recovered what they
could, carefully cleaned him, wrapped him in red silk and, as is only reserved
for heroes, buried him in a 7-inch thick coffin. The funeral service was for
that of a Hero – with prayers, fireworks and rice wine. His grave was in a
sacred place on Santai Mountain and was marked with a large wooden cross with
Chinese writing loosely translated as “American Pilot of The Flying Tigers.”
The locals had no way of identifying him other than as a part of the American
military who were trying to save China and defeat Japan. For over 60 years, the
Guidong County people cared for his grave, and each year on “Tomb-Sweeping Day”
they would lay flowers on his grave and pay their respects.
World War II had an estimated 78,000 MIAs. The case for
missing 2nd LT Upchurch broke in 2005 with the help of Guidong
residents and the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command. The Chinese still wanted to
find out who the honored pilot was. Researchers carefully uncovered the
remains, and a local resident named Mr. Huang was called to identify them. Mr.
Huang was 15 when the crash occurred, and he recognized the pilot’s harness
among other things. The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command tested the remains,
confirmed via DNA that it was Upchurch and returned the remains to his family
in North Carolina. That was April 6, 2006.
2nd LT Robert Hoyle Upchurch was buried in
Carthage, NC with full military honors. His remaining family members were
present – in addition to both US and Chinese dignitaries. Airmen from the
current 74th Fighter Squadron flew four A-10 Thunderbolt II planes
in “the missing man formation” over the funeral. Additionally, the Guidong
County people erected a large monument on the spot of Upchurch’s former grave
in China so they could continue to honor the American Hero. Dirt from both
burial sites were placed in a covered jar and given to the Carthage Historical
No longer Missing in Action, just as his tombstone reads,
the American Hero, the Southern Hero, 2nd LT Robert Hoyle Upchurch
is now Home at Last.

Photo/The News and Observer, Ted Richardson)
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